Saturday, November 24, 2007


I am so thankful for the Godly heritage I have, not only in this country and the whole reason behind the first Thanksgiving, but also in my own personal family. Thanksgiving has always been, in our family, the favorite holiday. A day we could celebrate all the Lord's provisions and blessings for that year. A day specially for thanking HIM, and remembering all HE has done for us. If we were Stateside we would spend the day with all our family, if we were overseas we would invite as many Americans as our house would hold. There was always tons of food that we cooked, especially Mom's famous apple pie with the perfect crusts ( I guess I didn't inherit that gene),... all the usual fixings. Then visiting and games.....but the most memorable to me were the times we spent all gathered in a circle for song and testimony. Scripture would be read, we would sing old hymns (that I love to this day), everyone would take turns telling things they were thankful for, and then we would pray. I cherish that time of hearing my grandfather as he prays aloud for each member of the family in detail and praises the Lord for all His blessings. But to me, the best part of all that, is that my children can now share in that heritage. They are building memories of their own. This Thanksgiving we went down to Wiggins again and it was the usual, family, and lots of hugging. I am just thanking the Lord that our children can grow up knowing our Godly heritage.

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