Saturday, February 23, 2008

every day things

Yes, most of our lives are made up of just every day things. I really am trying to notice and appreciate those little every day things more. Writing about them is one way I feel like I can do that.
The kids are constantly saying and doing things and I really can't remember all of them by the time I get on here. But I really want to try because I know it 's the little things that we are all going to enjoy remembering when they get older and things do slow down. (At least I'm assuming they will slow down, but not sure at this point.) I don't always appreciate things "in the moment" when I go looking for Levi and find him in the bathroom brushing his teeth in the toilet. Yes, I reaction too. Times 10!!! Thankfully it was clean if that makes it any better. (Didn't... really... make me feel better.)
Like I said..hard to appreciate in the moment, but looking back I found it blog-worthy. If for no other reason than to embarrass him when he is older.=)
But other things, you kind of know when they happen that you want to write about them. Take Isaac (again)...he came in the other morning with a very concerned voice and informed us that "those men were STEALING our garbage". We tried not to laugh and explained that we wanted them to take it away and that it was their job. But he still insisted, " But those were WRONG men, they were STEALING our GARBAGE!"
Oh, and then there was a day this week... a couple of us caught a stomach bug for about a day, me being one of them. I had to pretty much stay in bed for most of the day, but when I did get up Aaron had made tea and set the table. Granted it was with chocolate and candy, but it was so sweet. They are all so responsible I sometimes tend to forget how little they still are.
There are so many little details about each one... how they interact with each other...sometimes arguing, sometimes playing with the baby, playing with each other, working and helping me. I wouldn't trade any of it, and I want to write about it so I can remember to let them know how much I do notice even if I don't tell them right then.
Someone once told me to remember, no matter what else I do or don't do, to enjoy my children now while they are still little...because they grow up so fast. I wish I could say that I always remember to do that...I don't. But I try. Ed is great about helping me to see and appreciate. Not that he does it consciously. I think because he is at work more, when he comes home he points out things that I might see but not really notice, and helps me appreciate or laugh about them.
And it's important, you know, to notice the seemingly ordinary blessings that the LORD sends us every day. They are the things that make life sweet. They are what make the tough times worthwhile. Knowing that He cares, that He sees the little things in our lives, and that He sends these things to lighten our loads and make our days brighter if we can just take the time to open our eyes, and then thank Him.


Andy said...

Hi Jessica,
I've been enjoying reading your blog! Your discussion of attempting to really notice, enjoy, and savor everyday things resonates with me. Like you, I too want to truly "be there" for all of the nuances of everyday life ...but it seems so difficult to consistently do! We just have to keep on trying, and, as you alluded to, ask God to open our eyes to our lives. Love, Andy

Melissa said...

So true! Don't let guilt get to you though! You have a lot on your hands and I'm sure you do the best you can. Sounds like you do a great job as a mom. Enjoyed your pictures and blogs. Oh, and I think Kyla looks like your mom! All your kids are so cute!