Friday, January 1, 2016

A new post for a new year

I've always said that New Year's Day is my favorite day of the year.
It's like a new notebook and a freshly sharpened pencil. A gift I haven't opened yet, full of potential. You know the quote from Anne of Green Gables "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet." That's a new year, on a way bigger scale.
 I have so many hopes for this year. Things I want to see accomplished. Goals for our homestead. Goals for the kids schooling. And definitely personal growth goals.
 However, I've been reminded many times over the last month ( or year for that matter) that our plans are not always God's plans. And while I know He does want us to plan for the future, we are still supposed to be open to His will leading us to places, (and through places) we weren't expecting to go.
 We are currently going through the bible study "Faith Crisis" by Ron Dunn in Sunday school. And every week has been so on target for what we were facing. And I don't know why it always surprises me to hear and see the Lord working, when I know He always IS! I'm usually just too hung up in my own plans to notice.
  So if I only could voice one goal for this year, it would be to notice more. 
To notice the good more than the bad. 
The kind more than the careless. 
The beauty more than ugly. 
The stars more than the mud. 
The smile more than the frown. 
The provision more than the need. 
The blessings. 
"They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord!"

Happy New Year!!!

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