Monday, May 17, 2010

Life according to Nemo

" When life gets you down ya know what ya gotta do. I'll tell ya what ya gotta do. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."--- Dory
I know that sounds funny but it sort of describes our life this past week or so.
Starting with Mother's day...
Sat evening I went to the Mother/daughter banquet at Central with Mom, my girls, and my sisters, and we had plans for Sunday. After church, we were going to drive down to Houma to see Ed's Mom. Well, early Sunday morning Ed gets a text that his grandfather is in the hospital and they don't expect him to last much longer. Even though he was 91 yrs old, I think it was still a real shock in a way. He had been stable and, subconsciously, you just always expect your grandfather to be there. We had also been planning for awhile to go and see him but it just hadn't happened.
After a bit of discussion in which I was attempting to pack for any and all contingencies, we went ahead down to Houma and stayed until Monday evening. We found out around 2 Mon. afternoon that Papa was in heaven. Came on home for Ed to be at work Tues. morning but we knew we would be headed right back down there as soon as the funeral arrangements were made. (Papa had been living in Tennessee, but was going to be buried in Houma, LA.) Even though Ed was supposed to work until 6 Thursday morning, when we found out the funeral was to be Thurs. morning, he got off Wed evening and had someone cover the rest of his shift. We took off about 10 that evening getting in around 1:oo am. Then up again about 6:30 as the wake started at 8:00 am. It was a long day, but on the up-side, all of Ed's brothers and sister got to be together for the first time in about 10 years. Since everyone was there, he took one more day off work and we stayed until late Friday evening and then got in about 2:00 am Sat morning. And he had to be to work for 6:00 am. I was bone weary and I know Ed was the same way. At least his job isn't so demanding and he can rest to a degree. It was an overtime shift so he was back home about 7:30 that evening and then we had to run out and go birthday shopping for Isaac whose birthday was Sun. And, yes, we were having his party Sun afternoon because Ed was/is scheduled to work most of this week.
All I can say is, thank the Lord for Mondays! I guess they are for me like Friday is for most other people. I feel like I can breathe again. (Or at least I can grab a gulp of air before we go under again. lol)
I kind of feel like Marlin in "Finding Nemo" we've been swimming all over the ocean running into one thing after another. Forgive me if that's a little corny. The kids just saw it again at Ed's folks and I always enjoy watching it with them. It just seemed to fit. =)
I realize most of this has just been technical details but I feel so inadequate to even attempt to put into words all the things you think and feel at times like this. Thank you, to you who have prayed and expressed sympathy. We appreciate it so much.

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